Beddau and Beyond

Time Travel
Our topic Time Travel focussed on areas of learning within humanities. Humanities is made up of 3 elements- History, Geography and Religious Education. The topic was carried out by the whole school. Each class decided on a theme to focus on within Time Travel. The main focus for the topic was History but each of the other elements was also covered.
We covered a range of themes across the school: From nursery rhymes (now and then) to local history, mighty monarchs, victorians and WW2.
This video provides a snapshot of the excellent Humanities work produced by pupils across the school.
We hope you enjoy watching it!
Faith and Festivals
A very successful immersion day gave learners a flavour of how faith and worship is structured. They began to understand ideas around leaders, key figures and icons, stories and customs, special places, food and dress, laws, rules and beliefs.
Through study of a wide range of religious and non- religious principles, to include amongst others Judaism, Christianity, Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Rights of the child and Humanism, learners developed a clear understanding of what is important to them and to others and this was reflected in vibrant and enthusiastic response! Have a look at our video to see for yourself