Our Policies

School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. 

Administration of Medicines.pdf
Admissions Policy.pdf
Acceptable Use Policy 2020.pdf
GM ALN Policy 23-24.pdf
ALN Reform factsheet.pdf
Attendance policy Autumn Term 2022.pdf
Charging policy 23-24.pdf
Complaints Policy 2023 .pdf
Positive Behaviour Policy 23-24.pdf
Whole School Food and Fitness Policy.pdf
GDPR Policy.docx.pdf
Gwaunmeisgyn School Smoke Free Policy 2022.docx.pdf
Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School E-Safety Policy.pdf
GPS Health and Safety Policy.docx.pdf
Healthcare Needs Policy 23-24.pdf
GM Learning and teaching policy.pdf
Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School Safeguarding Policy 23-24 .docx.pdf
Relationships and Sexuality Education Policy RSE.pdf
Admissions Policy.pdf
Substance Misuse Policy.pdf
GPS Strategic Equality and Accessibility Plan 2022.docx.pdf